segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2014

Hard disks com defeitos fisicos

Recover magnetic surfaces, that had damaged or that was erased (I)

This is possible? Impossible? What could be?

A point of view
by Jose Pinto

How is possible to recover a file or some files from a disk that is damaged? There is only one way; first we need to fix the disk and here in this point we have the big difference between companies, we will find companies that has different skill to fix different damages, we will find professionals that have more experience in physicals then in logical and when we say physicals we are not only talking about damaged heads, we are talking about all things that can in somehow stop the functionality of a hard disk. So we will have not only mechanical damages but also electronic damages and also System Area damages. All this areas can cause a problem in disk that will stop it. There is no miracles in this work but skill and a big knowledge in disk functionality, after this job done – fixing the physical damage – there will be a job that most part of the Data Recovery Professionals know how to do and they will find everything that is possible to be read. There is no miracle, no magic, I do not believe. 

I know that people will say that this company says this and that company says that but for real commercially in real world there is no machine to read pattern in a magnetic disk. Not like we suppose to read and hear from some companies. This kind of talk is more marketing than any other thing. Yes the thesis can be real they can work but not for commercial market not for our daily jobs. People will say – but Action Front is using this technic, Ibas is using this other. Yes they can say but I have the right to do not believe. I have read a lot not one thing or 2 but hundreds articles for more than ten years and all them about data recover, and I have never really found something that can be commercial that can read magnetic plates. And here I will put part of something that I already saw and that will help me to clarify what I’m saying. I would like to say that everybody have the right to do not agree with me and also to do not believe me I just would like to say what I think, what is my opinion.

Here part of an article from Dr. Peter Gutmann from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Auckland.

“In the 1980's some work was done on the recovery of erased data from magnetic media, but to date the main source of information is government standards covering the destruction of data. There are two main problems with these official guidelines for sanitizing media...”

“Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is a recent technique for imaging magnetization patterns with high resolution and minimal sample preparation. The technique is derived from scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and uses a sharp magnetic tip attached to a flexible cantilever placed close to the surface to be analyzed, where it interacts with the stray field emanating from the sample. An image of the field at the surface is formed by moving the tip across the surface and measuring the force (or force gradient) as a function of position. The strength of the interaction is measured by monitoring the position of the cantilever using an optical interferometer or tunneling... “

The article was originally published in the proceedings of The Sixth USENIX Security Symposium, July 22–25, 1996, San Jose, California, USA Escrito por Jose Pinto às 18h13
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