quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014

Recuperação de dados em hard disk com problema físico é possível?

Recover magnetic surfaces, that had damaged or that was erased (III)

Many scanning probe microscopes can image several interactions simultaneously. The manner of using these interactions to obtain an image is generally called a mode. The best established types of microscopes/modes are:

STM: scanning tunneling microscope
AFM: atomic force microscope
MFM: magnetic force microscope
EFM: electrostatics force microscope
SVM: scanning voltage microscope
KPFM: kelvin probe force microscope
SCM: scanning capacitance microscope
FMM: force modulation microscope
SThM: scanning thermal microscope
NSOM: near-field scanning optical microscope

Advantages of the scanning techniques are:

The resolution of the microscopes is not limited by diffraction, but only by the size of the probe-sample interaction volume, which can be as small as a few picometers.
The interaction can be used to modify the sample to create small structures (Nanolithography).

Disadvantages of the scanning techniques are:

The scanning techniques are generally slower in acquiring images, due to the scanning process.

The maximum image size is generally smaller.

So we can conclude that in paper everything is possible, can you guys imagine the effect caused by the advertise that is done with some of this thesis that was wrote by a famous scientist in companies or professionals that need the data recovered, how safe they can fell ? 
What a confidence that is transmitted? 

Did you have experienced data loss?

The people who use this knowledge are professionals they read and know everything that exist about Data Recovery or that one day someone already wrote about Data Recovery and they are masters in uses this facts to get jobs, they also say that they know things that most part of professionals and companies do not know, and they are not saying lies because the part that says that the majority of the professionals involved in Data Recovery do not know this thesis and technics is true. 
The most incredible part of all this is to say or write that these techniques are commercial and that they are used for them frequent.

Sorry but this... I really do not believe.

 Escrito por Jose Pinto às 18h11 em 03/04/2007

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