sábado, 25 de março de 2017

Bitrix24 at INC Press

Tools and Strategies for Improving Professional Communications
By Ilya Pozin Founder, Pluto TV@ilyaNeverSleeps

A new generation of platforms is stepping up to help companies master communication.

CREDIT: Getty Images

In the world of real estate, the three most important things to look for in a property are: location, location, location. However, when it comes to business, arguably the most vital component is communication, communication, communication.

Think of all the ways you communicate on any given day: speech, email, text, body language, maybe Morse code, if you're old school. Now think of all the times a means of communication failed you: a lost letter, a misconstrued message, a weak WiFi signal.

Communication isn't perfect, but when it comes to our businesses we need it to be as reliable and effective as possible. Be it in the office or across the globe, a company needs to be able to communicate in order to survive. Thankfully, technology has provided countless new professional communication platforms designed to improve the ways we do business.

Connecting with clients, interoffice communication, and even office gossip can be taken to the next level via user-friendly apps. And there are even rumors that email might soon be a thing of the past.

Bitrix24: This platform pretty much does everything, but run your company for you. Bitrix24 solves the issue of finding messaging apps, HR software, and task management programs that are compatible by putting all of that and more in one spot.

More than anything this is a way to simplify office logistics and organization. It clearly defines what each feature is for so you know where to communicate what. There's a social network to build employee relationships and engagement and group and video chat. It can also function as the office calendar, task planning tool, calling center, sales management platform, and cloud server.

To be honest, one might say Bitrix24 does a little too much.

The opinions expressed here by Inc.com columnists are their own, not those of Inc.com.
Published on: Jan 19, 2016

Original.  Link here: Published at INC

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